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Pragmatic Coaching Club - Who Do You Return from Vacation?

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In this article, you can find information about our last Pragmatic Coaching Club Meeting with the theme “How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?”, our next Pragmatic Coaching Club Meeting with the theme “Who Do You Return from Vacation?” and, last but not least, our Pragmatic Coaching Shop Services regarding the above topics: Pragmatic Coaching Challenge - Learn to Survive Daily at Work! and Pragmatic Coaching Individual Sessions Packages: 3 + 1, 6 + 2, 9 + 3!

And now, let’s talk about group coaching! Last month, at Pragmatic Coaching Club, we approached the theme “How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?”. We had an amazing meeting that resulted in different thoughts about how we would like to improve our work environment. We started from identifying sources of stress at work and we found many interesting answers: interruptions during a discussion, monotony during working hours, rudeness of other colleagues or boss, procrastination or lack of involvement and working time schedule.

It was challenging to approach these examples, but in the end, we got to define a part of our expectations about job and we managed to understand how to overcome those holdbacks.

Now, I want to share with you our newest Coaching Challenge Video called ”Learn to Survive Daily at Work!”. In this video, you will see our colleagues, Andrei and Ciprian approaching the topic through an individual coaching session, which is an excellent example for those of you who are interested to know how an individual coaching session works.

If you would like to accept our June challenge from Pragmatic Coaching Shop, fill in our order form (here)!


Pragmatic Coaching Club – New Meeting in July

On July 18th, we meet again for a new pragmatic group coaching session and our new topic to approach with our participants is “Who Do You Return from Vacation?”. Did you ever ask yourself this question? For most of us, a vacation is a great opportunity to relax and become detached from our worries and stress that we have accumulated throughout working months.

But what if it means more than that? Maybe you prefer spending your holidays alone or maybe you like being around loved ones. Maybe you wish to explore as many places as you can or maybe you just want quite and peace in order to recharge your batteries.

The way you choose to spend your vacation and what you value at the end of it can help you understand more about yourself. Think about what your answers to these pragmatic questions would be:

  • What does vacation mean to you?
  • What are your expectations about it?
  • To what extent do you enjoy vacation days?
  • In what way does vacation change you?

If we grabbed your attention and you are willing to approach with us this topic, we invite you to participate to our next group session! Ciprian Dobre-Trifan will help you to discover the potential that a vacation has for your personal and professional development.

To get in touch with us, please complete our registration form (here) and we will provide you all the information you need about Pragmatic Coaching Club.

Individual Coaching Sessions Packages – Work on your Personal Growth!

You can also choose to approach this theme individually through pragmatic individual coaching sessions. Why? Because some issues regarding this topic can bring you better results if approached in one to one coaching sessions.

Below you will find examples of what results you should expect when working with a coach through individual coaching sessions:

Individual coaching will help you define who you are now

When you will start working with a pragmatic coach, you will probably be surprised of the amount of questions you will be facing. Those questions will challenge you to really think about what are the things and actions that define you. When you plan your vacation, how aware of your true personality are you?

Thanks to individual coaching and to your motivation for growth, you will find out what are your core values. It’s possible that a great part of what you thought you knew about yourself will become questionable. As a result, you will discover your core values and, hopefully, you will start to ask yourself to what extent do you respect them.

You can achieve this result with a 3 + 1 Individual Sessions Package!

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Through coaching sessions, you will get to know what is it that you really need

I wonder how often do you feel frustrated or unsatisfied by your vacation. If so, individual coaching can help you. The reason for these unpleasant feelings is simple: you don’t get what you need! But... how well and clear do you know what you need?

In a world full of opportunities, I understand that is easy to become distracted. That’s why it is necessary to work on your self-knowledge. Coaching sessions can bring you many perspectives about you and your needs.

To use a metaphor, it’s not enough to say “I want some water.” – If someone brings you a little glass of hot water, I don’t think you would be satisfied. You must learn how to be more specific about your needs. Say, for example, that you need a bottle of cold water because you’re very thirsty.

You can practice how to better identify your needs by purchasing a 6 + 2 Individual Sessions Package!

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Your coach will guide you until you take action!

This is a great step that you will make if you begin to work intensely with a professional coach! Your next vacation will surely improve, and you will get to enjoy it like never before! After several coaching sessions, you will be more confident about who you are, what you want and, therefore, you will be prepared to organize your holidays by taking into considerations what is important for you.

To be able to make these steps properly, you will explore, through individual coaching sessions, what drives you and what stops you from taking actions in specific situations.

Start a complete development journey through a 9 + 3 Individual Sessions Package!

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Group Coaching vs. Individual Coaching - Make the Best Choice for you!

So, how would you like to approach our July theme – “Who Do You Return from Vacation?”? If what best fits your needs are networking, knowledge transfer and coaching practice, we are eager to meet you on our next group coaching session at Pragmatic Coaching Club (sign up for it here!). If you rather want to start working individually on your personal development, together with a coach from our team, we gladly invite you to choose (here) one of the Individual Sessions Packages from our Pragmatic Coaching Shop. Don’t forget that you can start with a pro bono session with Diana or Andrei!

5 Moduri în care Coachingul Pragmatic te poate ajuta să te Descoperi în Vacanță

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Poate ai luat în considerare de mai multe ori să intri în contact cu Coachingul Pragmatic, dar în cele din urmă te-ai răzgândit din diverse motive.

„Mă descurc și singur(ă)!”, „De ce aș plăti pe cineva doar ca să vorbească cu mine?”, „Cum ar putea altcineva să știe soluții la problemele mele?” sunt unele dintre puținele afirmații care te pot face să privești cu reluctanță serviciile pe care un coach profesionist ar putea să ți le ofere.

Dacă tot e vară și atmosfera de vacanță ne duce cu gândul la călătorii, relaxare și distracție, îți pot scrie despre cum te-ar putea ajuta un coach din echipa noastră să valorifici experiențele tale estivale.

Cum așa? Ei bine, vacanța poate fi mai mult decât un prilej de a te întâlni cu prietenii, familia sau de a te relaxa zile la rând. Poate fi o ocazie excelentă de a te întâlni cu propriile nevoi, idei și aspirații!

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Așadar, Cum te poate ajuta Coachingul Pragmatic în Vacanță?

Coachingul facilitează procesul conștientizării.

În funcție de momentul în care alegi să lucrezi cu un coach, acesta te poate ajuta să devii mai receptiv(ă) la experiențele tale din timpul vacanței sau te poate susține în a privi retrospectiv aceste experiențe pentru a învăța din ele.

Odată ce înțelegi că anumite circumstanțe sau un anumit contact cu oamenii te pot reflecta într-o măsură sau alta, îți vei concentra atenția în acea direcție pentru a te cunoaște mai bine. Sau, împreună cu coach-ul tău, vei aborda subiectul vacanței și vei trage o serie de concluzii din experiențele tale.

Poate că ți s-a întâmplat să te întorci din vacanță cu un sentiment pe care nu îl poți explica sau cu o aspirație pe care nu știi cum să o abordezi. Cât de mult ți-ar plăcea să clarifici ce reprezintă acel sentiment sau ce potențial poate avea acea aspirație?

Coach-ul te încurajează constant să explorezi.

Călătoriile tale, întâlnirile cu cei apropiați, momentele de relaxare pot fi privite ca oportunități extraordinare de a căuta posibilități! Împreună cu coach-ul tău, poți construi analogii puternice între ceea ce trăiești în vacanță și anumite circumstanțe din viața ta de zi cu zi care îți dau bătăi de cap.

Uneori, te poți bloca atunci când privești problema direct și încerci să ajungi la o soluție rapidă. O modalitate eficientă de a ieși din acest blocaj este să te îndepărtezi de concret și să arunci o privire detașată asupra problemei cu care te confrunți.

De asemenea, când un coach te ascultă, poate surprinde nuanțe din discursul tău, care pot avea un adevărat potențial și ți le poate comunica. Cine știe?! Poate e un detaliu cu adevărat important!

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Coach-ul te susține în a-ți seta obiective.

Un coach profesionist știe cât este de important să îți setezi obiective realiste și măsurabile. Înainte să pleci în vacanță, te-ar putea ajuta să stabilești cu el o serie de așteptări și un obiectiv pe care îți propui să îl atingi.

Da, într-adevăr, a-ți seta obiective în vacanță poate suna obositor și demotivant, însă adevărul este că, fără a defini o vacanță de succes pentru tine și fără a ști cum să o apreciezi la final, te-ai putea întoarce nemulțumit(ă), cu senzația că ceva a lipsit sau nu a fost suficient.

De câte ori ai trecut prin asta? Odată ce vei conștientiza ce așteptări ai de la vacanță, vei acționa pentru a le îndeplini! Uneori, un minimum nivel de focusare poate fi extrem de important chiar și în vacanță. Nu e nevoie ca obiectivul tău să fie unul elaborat sau complicat, un simplu „vreau să respir aer curat” poate fi un prim pas excelent!

Prin coaching, îți crește motivația.

Se poate întâmpla să minimizezi importanța nivelului tău de motivație atunci când decizi să pleci undeva sau cu cineva în vacanță. Te gândești că, odată ce vei ajunge sau te vei obișnui cu compania aleasă, cu siguranță te vei bucura de timpul tău liber. Așa este oare?

Coach-ul cu care decizi să lucrezi te poate face să conștientizezi cât de multe lucruri sunt de luat în calcul atunci când îți organizezi concediul. Este important să realizezi ce te motivează să faci anumite alegeri cu privire la vacanța ta.

Una dintre posibilități este să descoperi că nu te atrage cu adevărat să mergi într-un anumit loc sau să petreci timpul cu anumite persoane, ci dimpotrivă: interesele tale par a spune altceva! Care crezi că ar fi acestea?

Coach-ul pragmatic te provoacă să acționezi.

Dezvoltarea personală și profesională se produce pas cu pas. Momentele din vacanță sunt ideale pentru a intra în contact cu propriile valori. Este o pauză de la cotidian prin care îți oferi spațiu și timp doar pentru tine.

De câte ori ți-ai proiectat în minte, cu prilejul vacanței, fel de fel de activități pe care îți dorești să le întreprinzi? Ar putea fi vorba despre a practica un sport pe care îl îndrăgești sau o formă de artă, a începe un proiect important pentru tine, a face schimbări în plan personal sau orice altceva îți trezește interesul.

Coachingul îți poate oferi o doza optimă de provocare în acest sens, iar dacă tu ești dispus(ă) să o accepți, cu siguranță vei realiza acea activitate pe care ți-o propui.  

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Coaching Pragmatic de Grup vs. Coaching Pragmatic Individual

După cele citite mai sus, cât de mult ți-ar plăcea să începi o aventură a cunoașterii de sine și să ajungi la rezultate reale?

Luna aceasta, Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic a lansat o nouă invitație la o sesiune de coaching de grup, pe tema „Cine te întorci din vacanță?”. Dacă îți dorești să abordezi tema într-un grup de oameni deschiși și motivați, te invităm să te înscrii pe formularul nostru de înregistrare!

În cazul în care îți dorești să abordezi tema individual, împreună cu mine, în cadrul unor sesiuni de coaching pragmatic 1 la 1, poți opta pentru una dintre variantele disponibile prin Coaching Shop – înscrie-te pentru una dintre opțiuni (aici)!

Sper că informațiile pe care ți le-am transmis au fost de folos și că te-au ajutat să iei o hotărâre sănătoasă pentru tine!

Supraviețuirea la locul de muncă

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Job-ul este în mare măsură locul în care ne petrecem o mare parte din viață. Este locul în care plecăm în fiecare dimineață când ieșim pe ușă, fie stresați, fie dornici să înfruntăm provocările inerente din timpul zilei. Diferența constă în atitutinea noastră față de job-ul nostru. Prin Coaching Pragmatic explorăm experiențele avute la locul de muncă și, în același timp, identificăm noi moduri pragmatice, aplicabile în viața noastră profesională.

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„Supraviețuirea la locul de muncă

Job-ul este locul de unde ne întoarcem seara, uneori extenuați, uneori mândri de ce am realizat în ziua ce este pe cale să se încheie. Satisfacția realizării obiectivelor propuse și contemplarea rezultatelor reprezintă indicatori de motivație însemnați, meniți să ne ajute la continuarea eficientă a acțiunilor întreprinse în cadrul job-ului.

În ultimii ani s-a dezvoltat un curent conform căruia locul de muncă este un “câmp de luptă” ce necesită supraviețuit. Este acel mediu în care mergem zilnic și ne consumăm energia suportând sau tolerând elementele ce compun acest mediu, fie că sunt colegi, fie că sunt responsabilități prezente în fișa postului.

Instinctul de supraviețuire este un concept care a rămas încă din cele mai vechi timpuri când oamenii preistorici se foloseau de el pentru a nu ajunge prada unor animale feroce. Perioadele în care pericolele erau reale și atentau la viața omului sunt de domeniul trecutului. În acele condiții, instinctul de supraviețuire era vital pentru perpetuarea speciei.

Astăzi, este oarecum prematur să numim locul de muncă un mediu de supraviețuire din mai multe considerente:

1. Nu suntem ținuți în acel mediu împotriva voinței noastre, alegerea este mereu la noi. Deci job-ul nu este un mediu de supraviețuire, ci un mediu opțional. Dacă ar fi de supraviețuire, nu ai putea să schimbi oricând vrei tu.

2. Ne bucurăm de beneficiile oferite de locul de muncă, materiale sau nu. Acestea nu ni se cuvin, le dobândim prin muncă și rezultate.

3. Prețuim relațiile profesionale pe care am ales să le formăm cu colegii, nu ne-au fost impuse.

4. Oportunitățile de dezvoltare sunt nenumărate, dacă alegem să le observăm în mod pragmatic.

Alegerea locului de muncă este exclusiv personală pentru fiecare dintre noi, indiferent de înclinații, trecut academic sau circumstanțe profesionale. Job-uri sunt pentru toată lumea, trebuie să le căutăm în mod pragmatic și nu numai că le vom găsi, ne vor și plăcea.

Cum ne evaluăm locul de muncă prin Coaching Pragmatic?

Identificarea lucrurilor care ne plac la job este o componentă importantă în evaluarea apartenenței noastre la mediu profesional pe care l-am ales. Acest lucru presupune o analiză introspectivă și obiectivă a elementelor care ne compun viața profesională. Prin Coaching Pragmatic descoperim în mod concret lucrurile care ne plac la job, conștientizând astfel situații zilnice cărora nu le acordăm prea mare atenție, dar care au un impact masiv în efectul de supraviețuire la locul de muncă.

Ce eventuale acțiuni concrete putem întreprinde prin Coaching Pragmatic?

Sunt diverse metode prin care ne putem îmbunătăți situația la locul de muncă însă acestea presupun responsabilitate și asumare din partea noastră, elemente caracteristice Coaching Pragmatic. O altă acțiune care implică responsabilitate personală și asumare este introspecția, adică analizarea atitudinii și abordării personale față de locul de muncă. Un contraexemplu în acest sens este reprezentat de întâlnirile angajaților din pauzele de cafea în care principalele puncte de discuție au în vedere învinovățirea managerilor pentru nevoia de “supraviețuire” a lor. Aceste discuții nu implică prea multă responsabilitate personală, dimpotrivă, blamarea zilnică a unor factori externi, fie că sunt managerii sau schimbarea ansamblului profesional ne absolvă de orice fel de asumare personală. Ne vom simți mereu nedreptățiți și condamnați la supraviețuire.

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Coaching best practices

1. Observă

Începe prin a observa cum decurge o zi din viața ta la locul de muncă, identifică în mod obiectiv situațiile care îți fac plăcere și situațiile care mai degrabă te agasează. De asemenea, este important să identifici și persoanele cu care interacționezi mai mult și cu care mai puțin, locul de muncă fiind un mediu social totuși.

2. Notează

Gândește-te la situațiile menționate mai sus, vizualizează-le notează-le pe o hârtie. Pentru situațiile care îți plac notează acțiuni concrete prin care le poți maximiza rata de satisfacție, iar pentru celelalte gândește-te la cum le-ai îmbunătăți sau schimba.

3. Acționează

În primul rând abordarea personală față de job trebuie luată  în considerare. Ulterior, poți verbaliza oricând obiecțiile tale către un manager printr-o discuție 1 to 1 sau un simplu e-mail. Astfel, acestea sunt scoase la suprafață și adresate corespunzător. Ședințele în echipă pot fi un alt mod prin care îți poți exprima punctele de vedere către colegi.

4. Practică recunoștința

Acum, după ce ai parcurs primii pași, bucură-te de experiențele de la locul de muncă și fii recunoscător pentru mediul plăcut, colegi, cafea și task-urile provocatoare.

5. Explorează și învață

Analizează-ți jobul față de facultate sau față de job-ul generației părinților noștri și prinde-te câte oportunități diferite întâlnești zi de zi la job, pe care le-ai putea valorifica dacă te-ai plânge mai puțin sau deloc și te-ai concentra mai mult pe rezultate.

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Cum să începi?

Parcurge întrebările de self-coaching de mai jos și trimite-mi răspunsurile la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Ce însemnătate are pentru tine locul de muncă?
  • Cum îți stabilești obiectivele privind viața ta profesională?
  • Ce lucruri îți plac la locul tău de muncă?
  • Ce criterii parcurgi pentru a identifica oportunitățile pe care job-ul ți le oferă?
  • În ce mod te motivezi să mergi zilnic la muncă?

Dacă ești deja hotărât să aplici coaching pragmatic, sunt mai multe opțiuni în care poți lucra cu mine, individual. Vizitează Coaching Shop și contactează-mă, pentru a te ajuta să clarifici care din variantele de lucru individual ți se potrivește cel mai bine!

Dacă preferi lucrul în grup, mai degrabă decât lucrul individual, soluția pe care împreună cu colegii mei, ți-o pot oferi, este Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic, unde, în data de 13 iunie tema întâlnirii este Cum supraviețuiești zilei de lucru?”.

Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic reprezintă comunitatea în care ai ocazia să beneficiezi de experiențe de coaching de grup autentice, menite să focalizeze pe conștientizare și trecere la acțiune. Abordăm teme din următoarele specializări: life coachingexecutive coachingtechnical coaching. Citește retrospectivele primelor 24 de întâlniri ale Clubului pentru a afla mai multe (retrospectiveDiana Munteanu - Pragmatic Coaching Blog).

De asemenea, citește articolul meu despre Puterea Coachingului Pragmatic și descoperă avantajele pe care acesta le oferă.

În concluzie, prin Coaching Pragmatic intențiile sunt transformate în obiective, iar obiectivele în acțiuni concrete. Prin best practices din Coaching Pragmatic orientate pe acțiune,  te asiguri că îți vei realiza obiectivele. Te așteptăm la Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic!

How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?

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Last month, at the Pragmatic Coaching Club, Andrei Cristian started the evening with a question that probably not many people thought about before – How to manage immaturity? We’ve approached not only the immaturity of the people in our lives, like friends, parents, colleagues or life partners, but also our immaturity, which can be even harder to become aware of and, therefore, to manage properly.

Learning how to Manage Immaturity – the Power of Group Coaching

But why is immaturity so harmful? Well, thanks to our pragmatic coaching group session, we discovered that being around people who behave in such way can cause you a lot of dissatisfaction. For instance, your partner gets very defensive when you’re trying to bring up some issues about him OR your coworker keeps blaming you for his missed deadlines - Yes, immaturity and lack of responsibility goes hand in hand! However, if you are the one who acts in an immature way, you should ask yourself how many times did you fail to grow, to achieve something you wanted so badly because of your attitude? On our meeting, we used powerful coaching questions in order to explore more of this topic and, happily, those who participated managed to find some answers to their curiosities.

Pragmatic Coaching Club – New Meeting in June


If you want to get a taste of pragmatic group experience, we invite you to our next meeting, which will be held on June 13th, where we will approach the theme – How to survive daily at work – When we are saying ’survive’, we want to know how can you manage to get over the difficulties of your job? They may often seem insignificant, but after a while they can become a real burden if you don’t manage them in a healthy way. We need real strategies in order to overcome the routine of our job, the fatigue and the stress that comes after weeks of intesive work. You can start with answering authentically to a few self-coaching questions we have prepared for you:

  • How is a workday for you?
  • What are your habits during working hours?
  • To what extent do they help you work in a healty way?
  • How can you improve your current work style in order to become more relaxed at your job?

Yes, we are curious about your answers to these questions and also we are eager to explore with you possible solutions for the obstacles we all face during work. Therefore, if you think you would like to share with other people your experience and also you would benefit from new perspectives and insightful questions, please sign up here for our next group session! 

Individual Coaching Sessions – an Opportunity to Work on your Objectives

Additionally to our group coaching options, you may want to experience individual coaching sessions. If so, we have some suggestions for you below, regarding your possible concerns:

Stress in Working with the Clients

If what bothers you is your interaction with difficult clients, we can work together through individual coaching sessions in order to find out how can you become aware of your communication strengths and, therefore, improve your style of relating with the clients. Moreover, you can find out what are the situations in which you become overly stressed and learn what is it that helps you to relax – we can build together powerful strategies so you can better cope with stress!
For achieving these goals, You can choose a 6 + 2 Individual Sessions Package and, during two months, you will benefit from 8 individual coaching sessions, 1 hour each and, as a bonus, you will also get access to 1 group coaching session! Fill out the order form here!

Difficult Relationship with your Colleagues/ Boss

What are your challenges during working hours? Maybe it’s about getting along with your colleagues, working in a new team, on a new project or approaching your boss. Either way, you can work on it! The first step is to identify, with our help, what challenges you the most and, after that, we can start finding ways of achieving the expected results!
You can begin with a pro bono individual coaching session, offered by me (Diana) or Andrei and we suggest to continue with a 3+1 Individual Sessions Package. Fill out the order form here and make your choice!

Meet our Team, Choose your Coach!

We are a young, full of life team and what unites us is a strong motivation towards personal development in which we truly believe. We think every human being has a potential that is yet to be found and we want to challenge as many people as we can to discover it and then use it for their growth. Every member of our team, however, has a personal approach in coaching:
Iulia has great experience both in coaching and management so she can easily approach life coaching topics as well as executive ones. She believes in results and therefore she likes to focus on action.
Andrei believes in continuous learning and, as a result, he is a book enthusiast. He thinks it’s important to keep an open mind and that’s why, in his way of working with people, you will see solution detachment.
Ciprian has a very creative style of approaching problems and finding solutions. He likes non-directivity because he believes it’s a powerful instrument for exploring different topics, even technical ones.
I (Diana) have a humanistic perspective of people, experiences and transformation and, therefore, my approach in working with people is a non-judgemental one. I believe it’s important to give support and to challenge people in order to help them develop.


Choose the best Coaching Services for your Needs & Objectives on your Daily Work Routine!

So, if you feel motivated enough and you want to find solutions to your work related concerns, you can choose between the following options:

Pragmatic Coaching Club – How do you approach other perspectives? The 14th of March Meeting Retrospective

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It was a beautiful evening of March and we were all together, in a very nice place, ready to approach another interesting topic that Ciprian Dobre-Trifan, Technical Mentor Coach was bringing to our attention. The question of the pragmatic coaching evening – How do you approach other perspectives? – was going to be a flourishing one since every one of us was prepared to carefully listen the ideas that were spreading and, in the same time, to express our uniqueness.

Finding new perspectives through technical coaching

It’s great when you spend a few hours with people and afterwards you feel inspired and motivated! Who would have thought that there could be so many ways of gaining new perspectives about anything? There will always be the oldies but goodies like, for example, reading an interesting book, watching a good movie or an influential TED Talk and having long and deep conversations with resourceful people. However, apart from this, after the coaching exercises, I realize now that you can access so many other sources of inspiration such as:

  • Traveling – this can be an amazing opportunity to start seeing things differently. When you are in the middle of a new amazing place, you can create a metaphor out of your life in order to understand things better. That is, the surroundings can help you make valuable decisions.
  • Sport – another way of get inspired is by following sport competitions. What is so great about it? Well, if you’re passionate about a particular sport you probably also have a favorite player. Did you ever wonder why do you like him/her so much? Maybe the reason is that you would like to have some qualities they have that you really find them valuable. You gain perspective from having a role model and that is such a powerful tool in life!
  • Psychotherapy – a new perspective counts even if it’s still your perspective… but somehow changed! Through psychotherapy, it’s possible that you’ll start to see yourself (your behavior, thoughts, and emotions) from another point of view – a healthier point of view!
  • Pets – from time to time, we can learn from our pets how to relate to others with more empathy, tolerance and kindness. Even more, they often teach us how to act more spontaneous and playfully.
  • Music – listening to music is like reading a book, but it’s more about the sounds than the actual words. Many songs don’t even have lyrics. Discovering the music that deeply moves you can bring you peace, balance and wisdom as you peek at others’ experiences.

From my point of view, I think photos can be sometimes a source of new perspectives. What an image expresses depends on whoever looks at it – people always attach specific meanings to what they see. If you listen to what someone has to say about a photo, you actually listen to their experience -the more abstract the photo the more personal experience it will contain.

All in all, it was a pleasant and fruitful evening. I hope that everyone who participated feels the same way!

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Anniversary Club Meeting – 2 years of Pragmatic Coaching Club & School

On 18th of April we’ll be celebrating 2 years of pragmatic coaching and that’s why the topic of the evening will be a special one! We are looking forward to meeting you at the Club with a catchy question – How do you resist manipulation? – and we hope that, together, we’ll find out many creative ways in which we could overcome manipulative behavior. But first, we’ll become aware of the situations in which we are, in general, susceptible to manipulation.

Have you ever been in this kind of situation? If the answer is yes, you probably know how uncomfortable this can be – whether it is about your personal or professional environment, it is always disturbing to put up with a manipulator.

How did you react in that moment? In the best-case scenario, you were aware of the manipulation and you confronted the abuser, but in other cases, it is possible that you didn’t even realize that you were being manipulated and therefore you acted just like it was requested.

  • How would you like to react in the future in these situations?
  • What do you need in order to react as you wish?

Think about these pragmatic questions and try to answer them – it’s a very important first step!

If you are not yet familiar with our coaching club, here you can find details about our community and memberships! Would you like to join us on April? Then I invite you to fill in our registration form to get in touch with us!

Pragmatic Coaching School – becoming a professional coach

Do you already know what coaching is and would you like to develop a coaching career? We’re also running training programs for coaches on three career levels: Bootcamp, Practitioner and Master.

To find out more about Life Coaching Practitioner, the first (and only) life coaching training program in Romania, accredited by the IAPC&M (International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring), that we are already organising, please visit the dedicated page. If you want to join the current class of future coaches, please contact us directly on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our specializations in coaching are: Life Coaching, Executive Coaching and Technical Coaching. If you’re interested in becoming a professional coach, you can discover more about our training programmes and our coaches here.

Also, at the link above you can visit our testimonial page to see what our clients believe about our coaching projects.

Self-coaching - Cum ne facem timp pentru sport?

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  • Timp pentru sport
  • Beneficiile unei vieți active
  • Planificarea unei vieți active
  • Coaching Pragmatic

Este o întrebare la care, de cele mai multe ori, nu avem un răspuns. Din diverse motive. Unul dintre principalele motive este job-ul, întrucât ne ocupă o mare parte din timpul pe care îl avem.

Datorită acestui lucru spunem că nu mai avem timp pentru alergat în parc, mers la sală, plimbat cu bicicleta sau practicarea constantă a unui sport, cum ar fi tenisul.

Weekend-urile sunt adesea dedicate odihnei și recuperării după o săptămână solicitantă la job. De cele mai multe ori, lipsa timpului este invocată în momentul în care discutăm despre începerea și practicarea susținută a unui stil de viață activ.

Însă toți avem 24 de ore la dispoziție într-o zi, în fiecare zi. În coaching pragmatic, eu și colegii mei coachi lucrăm cu fiecare client cel puțin o dată la a conștientiza cum timpul poate fi o resursă, atunci când este utilizat de către noi, în loc de a fi lăsat în voia întâmplării.

Beneficiile menținerii unei vieți active nu sunt numai de ordin fizic, ci și de ordin mental. Practicarea unei activități fizice ne ajută să ne limpezim gândirea, să ne detașăm de provocările inerente cu care ne confruntăm atât în plan profesional, cât și în plan personal și să găsim soluții la îndemână pentru întâmpinarea asumată a acelor provocări.

Eu cred că totul ține de organizarea și planificarea atentă a timpului pe care îl avem la dispoziție. Altfel, vom folosi timpul în funcție de ce anume considerăm prioritar în diverse momente ale existenței noastre și vom neglija nevoia și dorința de a menține un stil de viață activ.

Vom procrastina momentul în care ne facem un abonament la sală, mersul efectiv la sală sau înscrierea într-un club de tenis. Ne spunem că vom merge la sală începând de săptămâna viitoare, de luna viitoare sau, câteodată, de anul viitor. Însă nu facem asta.

Apare întotdeauna ceva prioritar de făcut și plasăm practicarea unui mod de viață activ în plan secund. Desigur, asta se întâmplă înainte de a descoperi, fiecare din noi, că este posibil să acționăm și altfel, că putem să ieșim din zona de confort și să ne asumăm responsabilitatea unui stil de viață activ. Coaching-ul pragmatic este prin definiție un astfel de instrument – de a ne organiza și planifica în beneficiul nostru timpul și resursele.


Ce presupune planificarea unei vieți active prin Coaching Pragmatic?

Organizarea, planificarea și monitorizarea atentă a activităților pe care dorim să le desfășurăm pe parcursul unei zile, asigură faptul că ne vom ocupa de toate lucrurile pe care ni le-am propus, eliminând factorul de urgență sau prioritizare a unora dintre acele activități.

Toate devin prioritare, din acest motiv se regăsesc în plan.  De asemenea, introducerea unei activități sportive în planul nostru zilnic ne motivează să ne asumăm responsabilitatea pentru a duce la îndeplinire acea activitate.

De cele mai multe ori asociem incapacitatea noastră de a ne integra în programul zilnic o activitate sportivă cu angajamentele pe care le avem la job și care vin zilnic. Intervalele orare în care ne putem introduce, de obicei, o astfel de activitate, sunt fie dimineața, înainte de a merge la muncă, fie seara, după muncă.

Sportul poate fi practicat și acasă, fie prin aplicații specializate, fie prin achiziționarea unor cărți care descriu anumite rutine de sport destinate pentru a fi implementate fără a fi necesar un antrenor personal, fie prin abonament la site-uri cu conținut sportiv și de well-being.

Aceste “instrumente” sunt utile în momentul în care decidem că vrem cu adevărat și ne planificăm să efectuăm activități destinate să ne pună în mișcare corpul și mintea.

Metode și resurse de practicare a unei activități fizice sunt, poate acum mai multe ca niciodată, însă va trebui să ne dedicăm o parte din timpul nostru prețios pentru a accesa și a beneficia de aceste resurse.

Și acesta este un moment în care coaching-ul pragmatic ne poate veni în ajutor, fiind modul prin care alegem și utilizăm acele resurse în mod concret.

Iată câteva dintre variantele pe care le-am observat, din rol de coach, de coleg, de prieten, sau chiar din rolul meu propriu – căci și eu am propria mea experiență câștigătoare cu sportul!

Coaching best practices

1. Mergi la sală cu cineva

În cazul în care nu găsești motivația necesară pentru a merge la sală singur/singură, poți oricând să convingi pe cineva să te însoțească, astfel vei avea mereu pe cineva care să te țină răspunzător pentru procesul de a merge la sală.

Cine, dintre cunoscuții tăi, te-ar însoți cu drag sau din simplă curiozitate la sală?

2. Începe cu planificarea unei luni active!

Lucrurile mărețe se realizează prin a parcurge pași mici, dar siguri, la început. Pentru a dedica din timpul nostru o parte pentru sport, este necesar să începem cu o unitate de timp finită, cum ar fi o lună de zile, spre exemplu.

Introducerea, în primă fază, a unui interval de o oră dedicat sportului, să zicem, pentru 3 zile pe săptămână, este suficient pentru a declanșa formarea unei rutine prielnice să încorporeze un obicei menit să genereze activitate fizică.

3. Conștientizează

Totul nu va fi perfect încă de la început și nici mai încolo. Ca orice proces nou pe care dorim să ni-l însușim, este nevoie mereu de a ajusta din mers fiecare pas, fiecare acțiune pe care o întreprindem necesită să fie “cizelată”, calibrată sau chiar schimbată.

În coaching pragmatic, cere-i coachului tău să te provoace să îți exersezi creativitatea în a-ți planifica fiecare lună activă!

4. Cum acționezi în practicarea unui stil de viață activ?

Există o multitudine de moduri de a integra în viața noastră o rutină constantă care să ne aducă beneficii sănătoase și durabile, care să ne consolideze un stil complex de a trăi, prin îmbinarea provocărilor zilnice de la job cu menținerea unui stil de viață activ, această complementaritate ducând în cele din urmă la echilibru.

5. Cum să începi?

Parcurge întrebările de self-coaching de mai jos și trimite-mi răspunsurile la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.! Felicitări, vei fi făcut deja primul pas către o viață activă!

  • Ce înseamnă pentru tine un stil de viață activ?
  • Ce beneficii implică pentru tine un stil de viață activ?
  • Tu cum faci loc sportului în viața ta?
  • Ce înseamnă o zi organizată pentru tine?
  • Cum îți planifici, de obicei, cele 24 de ore ale unei zile?

Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic reprezintă comunitatea în care ai ocazia să beneficiezi de experiențe de coaching de grup autentice, menite să focalizeze pe conștientizare și trecere la acțiune. Abordăm teme din următoarele specializări: life coaching, executive coaching, technical coaching. Citește retrospectivele primelor 24 de întâlniri ale Clubului pentru a afla mai multe ( retrospective, Diana Munteanu - Pragmatic Coaching Blog)

Te așteptăm la Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic!

Pragmatic Coaching Club – February Meeting Retrospective

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In February, Pragmatic Coaching Club met again to talk about love. Apparently, this was a very controversial topic because it kind of engaged all of us to share our opinion with the others. It seems like the name of the meeting – How do you discover love? – was provocative enough to make people feel curious and enthusiastic about the issue. As a facilitator, I often felt surprised by the amount of different ideas generated by such a simple word!

Life coaching – a key tool for expanding the concept of love

Through pragmatic coaching exercises, we understood that the concept of love can be associated with a person, an emotion, a relationship, an object, a hobby, an activity, a profession, a pet, nature and many more. Something someone said is still on my mind: "We could find as many definitions for love as people living on the Earth." – funny thing to say but totally accurate.

At first sight, for most people, love is about passion, couple and physical attraction – that kind of love which we recognize in the beginning of a relationship, where intense emotions seem to mean everything. As time goes by, we realize something important: we can love and become attached not only to persons, but also to activities, principles and even objects. For example, one can choose to be fully engaged in their profession because they are feeling deeply connected to the meaning and purpose of it. Another situation can be when a person enjoys spending time with a specific individual without any romantic involvement. 

What types of love can these two represent? Are there any more forms of love we often forget about? Actually, yes! We started our meeting by bringing into the light the ancient Greek words for love: Eros – passionate, sexual love that I was talking about before, Philia – affection between friends, Ludus – childish, playful love, Agape – humankind love, Pragma – mature love that we find in long-lasting marriages, Philautia – self-love, that kind of love that we develop when we accept ourselves completely.

One person drew our attention to the the fact that, nowadays, there are many patterns trying to restrict and regulate love, for example, the endless discussions about homosexual couples. The big question is: Who has the right to set our boundaries when talking about love? Shouldn’t each of us decide by ourselves what we need?

When I was thinking about love, one simple word crossed my mind: writing. When I was a little girl, I used to love writing in my diary – those sheets of paper were my greatest and trustworthy confessor. Whenever I was feeling confused or simply in need of some time alone, I would sat down at my table and just write. In time, I began to love this form of self-care and now I understand what this ritual really means: self-love – affectionate attention to myself. I guess any word can mean something very special for one person! Do you have a love related word that has an extremely important meaning for you? Think about it!


Technical coaching – learn how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes!

For the next meeting, we challenge whoever wants to come to the Club to think about being in a situation where different perspectives are shared. What is it like? Maybe you talk to your partner about a subject you both are interested in and, fortunately, you realize he or she is sharing your opinion about it. Great! But what about those moments when his or her perspective is very different from yours? How do you handle that kind of situation? How open-minded would you be? We can guide you through your own searching and, with a bit of motivation and concentration, you will find the answers.

It it perfectly normal for you to have your own core values and beliefes just like other people have their own. It is also right to speak your mind when having a conversation with someone, especially if the topic matters to you. What I am trying to ask you is: What is it that you could learn from listening to your partner’s opinion? – if you begin to carefully listen to what other people have to say about a specific subject, you will see that you don’t have to agree with them and change your mind. Instead, you will be able to view a situation from different perspectives and, therefore, you will get closer to reality. That’s what we are trying to do at the Club, through coaching sessions, and that’s the reason we encourage participants to respect our principles: non-directivity and non-judgement.

So, we are eager to know you if you feel like exploring with us the next theme: How do you approach other perspectives? It will take place in Bucharest, on March 14. If you would like to join us on our meeting and get to know the people in the Club, I kindly invite you to sign up here.

Life Coaching Practitioner – an opportunity for you to become coach!

On March 21, we’ll get our new training started! What is it about? Most importantly, it’s a great learning experience for you if you enjoy working with people and if you are interested in becoming a professional coach. Life Coaching Practitioner is an internationally accredited coaching program by International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring, lasting 6 months and it will be facilitated by Iulia Dobre-Trifan, Accredited Senior Coach. This program will offer you the opportunity to learn essential information as well as to experience coaching. The main themes which will be discussed during the training are:

  • The Pragmatic Coaching Approach
  • The Coaching Relationship
  • Discovering Potential
  • Facilitating Learning & Results

For more information, read (here) about Life Coaching Practitioner on our website! If you’ve already decided to engage in such a wonderful, life-changing experience, you can register for it right here! We are curious about you and we are waiting to start a new life coaching journey together!

Pragmatic Coaching Club – 20th December Meeting Retrospective

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Last month, me and my colleagues, Andrei, Iulia and Ciprian, challenged the attendees to think about their achievements during the year. We chose the theme of the meeting - How do you celebrate your achievements? - because more and more often people are trying to make plans and set objectives for the next year without appreciating themselves for what they have already done successfully. Given the fact that Christmas was near, we also followed our nice ritual - Pragmatic Secret Santa – and we gave each other presents.

Raising awareness about our achievements through pragmatic coaching

During this coaching session, every one of us talked about an achievement important to ourselves that we have accomplished during the year of 2018. With this occasion, we’ve seen that an achievement can be something about professional life, personal stuff or specific goals. For example, some of the participants were remarkably happy about their improving health and others were proud of themselves because they could successfully implement a sport routine program throughout the entire year. It was very interesting to hear the idea that some of the activities that we do frequently can create a safe space for us – a place where we return when we need space, time for ourselves and maybe a feeling of control over our life.

Regarding professional life, I’ve seen a lot of satisfaction and confidence in some people when they were talking about becoming more independent and starting entrepreneurial projects or developing important applications on which they had been working for a long time. In other cases, there was enthusiasm regarding new colleagues and, therefore, building a new team. One person mentioned how coaching helped him to better communicate with his clients even though in the beginning he didn’t believe it would make a difference.

For one participant, believing in himself and not taking into consideration what other people are saying was one of the most difficult objective to achieve because it took a lot of practice and strong motivation. On the other hand, another person revealed great fulfillment regarding his contribution in someone’s development.

As for myself, I realized that I see my professional path as a puzzle and each day, month or year represents a piece of it. The year of 2018 was extremely valuable because I completed my first year of the 4-year psychotherapy journey, I’ve learned a lot about coaching and also I’ve met new inspiring people.

This sharing group experience brought to light satisfaction, happiness and even pride towards our accomplishments and made us aware of our everyday success. It was very nice especially because we could listen to each other and not only share a part of our experiences, but also get inspired by so many perspectives.

One person told us that it’s wonderful how open questions, compared to closed questions, allow people to open up and talk about whatever they want in a free way and, moreover, they permit people, if they are not comfortable from various reasons, to give simple answers as well.

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December Club Meeting – the end of a successful year

Since we are talking about achievements and positive emotions attached to them, I would like to look back on previous Club Meetings, which were so full of experiences and life lessons. Thanks to a friendly atmosphere and to a group of inspiring and motivated people, we managed to go through all kinds of subjects like Fast decisions - slow decisions, How do we create healthy long term relationships?, The map of trust, Me, money and happiness – a drama triangle? and so on. One of the most interesting themes was Life through a search engine? – after this Club Meeting, people were more aware of their choices and core values because they had the opportunity to find a concept that could define their lives.

My favorite theme was How do you get out of your comfort zone? - I remember how focused I was during the coaching exercises and how insightful this Club Meeting was for me. It gave me a new perspective about balance and success and made me realize that great goals are achieved by taking small and safe steps.

We want to thank all the participants that have been part of this amazing coaching sessions for their active involvement and we hope we will meet again this year as well. For our loyal attendees, we have some questions that we would like you to answer in order to be aware of the value of these coaching group sessions:

  1. What is the most powerful question you received during these Club Meetings?
  2. How did these sessions improve your professional and personal life in the last year?
  3. What did you learn from the interactions with the participants and with the coaches?
  4. Which one of the themes was the most appealing to you?
  5. How did you contribute to the challenges of others during these sessions?

We are eagerly awaiting for you to continue your journey of development!

Should you decide to learn more about pragmatic coaching and to enjoy insightful experiences through coaching, we are eager to meet you soon (you can see more details about our next Club Meeting here). We’ve just created new memberships for our Club Meetings so you can experience more of our services. Also, if you want to be informed about our future scheduled Club Meetings, check out the calendar.

For those of you who want to take coaching to the next level, we invite you to discover our programs at Pragmatic Coaching School, which we’ve designed on three career levels: Bootcamp, Practitioner and Master. Our nearest training for coaches is Life Coaching Practitioner which will begin on March 21. If you are willing to commit to a life-changing experience, sign up for it now!

Pragmatic Coaching Club – 15th November Meeting Retrospective

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Thursday evening we met wonderful people with all kinds of hopes regarding their lives. Many of them were members of the Pragmatic Coaching Club since a long time ago while others were joining us for the first time. What we all had in common was the desire to improve ourselves and a strong motivation to make steps towards our beautiful goal. As the topic of this Club’s meeting was ”How do you get out of your comfort zone?”, Ciprian Dobre-Trifan – Technical Mentor Coach gave us all the opportunity to look at our lives and become aware of what is it that protects us from the unknown and what is it that provokes us to grow. How were we able to do that?

The Protector and The Motivator – reaching The Balance through technical coaching

We worked in small groups, in which each of us experienced a coaching exercise as a client while the others in the group were supporting the client in his objective related to his comfort zone from three different roles: the Protector, the Motivator and the Coach (the Balance).

The Protector is the one who emphasizes the difficulties that we need to overcome in order to follow a specific dream. His main goal is to make the client understand what are the advantages of remaining in the comfort zone and also to bring up arguments for not taking too many risks on behalf of a dream. If we let ourselves be driven by the Protector alone we will probably remain in the same place, whether it’s a physical or a mental one.

The Motivator has the important role of encouraging us to take action according to our dream. Trying to constantly provoke us is part of his job. He wishes us to become aware of our resources and to use them properly in order to fulfill our dream. But again, if we only listen to this force we might push our limits so hard that we could end up broken down.

Last but not least, the Coach is the one who balances the influences of the Protector and of the Motivator so that the results of this interaction will be a realistic and well-balanced action plan. That’s why we named this role the Balance. Whenever he senses a dangerous approach of one of the two forces, he steps in and restores the balance.

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Group coaching – a way of sharing valuable insights/experiences

For me, it was nice to notice that this three roles can actually work together although they seem to have different goals. Somehow, they reunite in a single entity who represents the client, their synergy becomes the client. Trying to keep these forces apart from each other creates confusion and disharmony.

From what I’ve seen, some people feel comfortable not to try something new and therefore they prefer safety over excitement. On the other hand, people who do embrace the unknown aren’t really aware of their limits and thus they often take too much pressure on their shoulders. Regardless of our pattern, we should be aware of the importance of finding a balance between safety and challenge so that we can choose the best path to follow in a certain situation.

After these exercises, we reunited in a single group so we could talk about our experiences. It seemed like everyone shared the idea that all three forces (the Protector, the Motivator and the Coach) are valuable and that they usually merge together for a higher purpose. We also found out that it really depends on the perceptions of every person whether a situation is viewed as a challenge or as a protection. I was happy to see that all of us have something we are dreaming about or something that we want to change about ourselves and, moreover, that we are willing to do something about it.

As for myself, I really enjoyed the experience of being in these roles. I can say that it was challenging for me to play the role of the Protector because I was constantly experiencing the feeling of somehow holding the people back from growing. This was an important insight for me because it made me realize that wanting to achieve something as fast as I can may not be the best solution if, while I’m doing this, I endanger my peace. So right now I’m looking forward to finding the Balance, so I’m trying to find a better way of doing things taking into account my well-being. As the Motivator, I was actually enthusiastic to be part of someone’s process of development. I enjoyed asking people challenging questions that encouraged them to think about what they can do in order to get closer to their dream.

Self-coaching – a good alternative for working individually

For those of you who didn’t attend this meeting, but you are interested in this topic, here are some examples of self-coaching questions that you can use for yourself:

The Protector: What do you like about your life in the present?

The Motivator: What would your life be like when you’ve accomplished your dream?

The Coach (Balance): How can you take one step towards your dream and still feel safe and comfortable?

The First Pragmatic Technical Coaches

IMG 0938 During this Club's meeting we have also celebrated the first generation of pragmatic technical coaches, who attended the Technical Coaching BootCamp  this autumn: our teammate, Andrei Cristian, and our Club colleague Andrei Ioan. We were happy to hand them their diplomas, as recognition of their dedication and involvement with the pragmatic coaching practices. We wish them to experience success and fulfillment in their coaching practices and we are looking forward to working with them in the future activities in Pragmatic Coaching Club & School. IMG 0940

Pragmatic Coaching Club & School – We want to meet you!

We invite you to join us on December 20 at the next Club meeting – How do you celebrate your success? that will be facilitated by Iulia Dobre-Trifan – Executive and Life Mentor Coach. Since Christmas it’s nearby we’ll be sharing gifts so it will be a special ocassion for you to get to know everyone.

If you are interested to find out more about Pragmatic Coaching School we kindly invite you to download the brochure from here. We are an enthusiastic team of coaches ready to assist you to take action!

Pragmatic Life Coaching
Pragmatic Life Coaching

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Pragmatic Coaching – scop sau mijloc?

De aproape 2 ani practic, din pasiune, coaching-ul. Inițial mi-am dorit sa mi-l însușesc pentru a-l putea exploata în cadrul echipelor pe care le coordonez. Apoi mi-am dat seama că mai întâi este nevoie să-l exploatez în interesul meu propriu pentru că aveam nevoie de el. De la o poziție neoficiala de mentor mi-am dorit să ajung să cresc oameni în mod natural și nu să îi îndrum după propriile mele percepții considerând că experiența proprie ar fi singura care poate oferi răspunsuri în diverse contexte. Aveam niște limite pe care le conștientizam mai mult cu cât înaintam în descoperirea coaching-ului. Și mi s-au înșirat în fața ochilor aducând cu ele valuri de tristețe pentru că tot ce credeam că este în control, erau de fapt în haos.