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Ciprian Dobre-Trifan
Ciprian Dobre-TrifanTechnical Mentor Coach
Ciprian Dobre-Trifan
Ciprian Dobre-TrifanTechnical Mentor Coach
In over 10 years of working as a trainer, developer, project manager, technical solutions and teams architect, I’ve learned that mastery in software engineering cannot be achieved only through excellent technical skills. I challenge you to discover an entire universe of creative solutions and intriguing problems that involve people and teams in the projects you’re working on.

Pragmatic Technical Coaching Blog

Pragmatic articles and thoughts on technical coaching.

Rules in Pragmatic Software Architecture

In my previous article on Pragmatic Software Architecture, I wrote about the need for grounding...

Pragmatism in the Software World

What is the place of pragmatism in the virtual world of software and technology? How can this...

Ce este Coachingul Tehnic - magie neagră sau artă?

Am dezvoltat coaching tehnic pragmatic, o abordare de coaching foarte...

Pentru cine este Coachingul Tehnic - manager sau inginer?

Coachingul Tehnic Pragmatic este stilul de viață și modelul de conduită și excelență profesională...

Technical Coaching: Man vs. Machine

Microservices and Containers (e.g. Docker) brought another revolution to the software industry,...

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