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  • What is Pragmatic Coaching - The Tired Team Lead

What is Pragmatic Coaching - The Tired Team Lead

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In a meeting room in a beautifully designed office building, two people are having a heated argument. One is a manager, the other one, a team lead. The team lead, one of the brightest in the manager’s team, is just telling his manager that he is quitting. His reasons? Not that he doesn’t like the job or the team anymore. It’s just that he is tired, and he needs to get away. No, he doesn’t want an extended paid vacation. He just wants to quit.

The talk continues for two full hours. The topics cover a far larger scope than the initial exhaustion the team lead invoked: colleagues, conflicts, limited resources, lacking support, professional or rather personal views. It all comes down to this conclusion: the team lead will reconsider, think about his job and his resolution to quit after a few days of well deserved rest. However, he’s glad his manager gave him more than just 5 minutes of decision acknowledgement, as it had usually happened to the team lead in his previous jobs.

That is Pragmatic Coaching!