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Pragmatic Life Coaching
Pragmatic Life Coaching

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Despre relații și umbre

Înainte să străbatem adâncurile unei relații, este nevoie să o definim ca termen. „Relația” este o conexiune, legătura între persoane sau între lucruri. Există o multitudine de tipuri de relații și chiar în acest moment, te afli în mai multe tipuri de relații. Mă voi raporta la cea care implică două persoane și anume, relația de intimitate între cele două. Unii hrănesc un atașament anxios în relație, alții unul ambivalent, o parte îl îmbrățișează pe cel evitant și mai sunt unii care se focusează și construiesc un atașament sigur. Care sunt caracteristicile fiecărui tip de atașament și cum îți influențează acesta viața și implicit relațiile cu celălalt, vom detalia în toamnă în cadrul programului Pragmatic Life Coaching Practitioner, începând cu luna septembrie. Încă mai ai timp să prinzi oferta de primăvară până pe 20 Februarie (Pune mâna pe ea acum! Mai sunt doar 2 locuri disponibile!).

Pragmatic Life Coaching
Pragmatic Life Coaching

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De vorbă cu viața - Pragmatic Life Coaching

Lumea pe care am creat-o este un proces al gândirii noastre. Nu poate fi schimbată fără a ne schimba gândirea.” – Albert Einstein

Prin coaching pragmatic, vei reuși să preiei controlul propriei vieți, să revii în locusul intern de control și să îl elimini pe cel extern din viața ta care îți oferă în acest moment acel sentiment fals de confort. Cel mai important este să credem în noi înșine, în propriul potențial, în propriile decizii, să ne asumăm complet viața pe care o scriem zilnic, să fim autentici cu noi înșine dar și cu cei cu care interacționăm și să generăm rezultatele care să ne îndeplinească visurile. Autorul este doar unul: TU!

Retrospectiva întâlnirii din 18 Ianuarie a clubului de coaching pragmatic
Retrospectiva întâlnirii din 18 Ianuarie a clubului de coaching pragmatic

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Pragmatic Coaching Club – Retrospectiva întâlnirii din 18 Ianuarie

Întâlnirile lunare din cadrul Clubului de Pragmatic Coaching, incluse în cele două tipuri de abonamente, Standard sau Professional, ale Școlii de Pragmatic Coaching, au rolul de a te introduce în domeniul coaching-ului, prin exerciții și concepte de coaching pentru a te susține în obiectivul tău de dezvoltare personală și profesională. Tema întâlnirii de joi, 18 ianuarie, a fost “Viața ta printr-un motor de căutare”, temă de Coaching Tehnic Pragmatic. Descarcă de aici broșura și vezi aici calendarul, pentru a afla mai multe informații despre Școala și Clubul de Coaching Pragmatic.

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As we have grown accustomed to, a new Pragmatic Coaching Club meeting was held in the same kind of pleasant setting, at Bohemia Tea House. It was a new coaching evening with executive coaching tools used.

Last week we met to practice coaching on an executive coaching topic: "Business Vision". Using a Business Model Canvas tool we designed individual and collective business models. We put them all on paper, detailing each step of the chosen business model and made an overview of the implications. It was a very constructive exercise that generated a bunch of different ideas from each participant. In the same room, a group of entrepreneurs got disconnected from common business models and outlined ideas that could be implemented immediately. We pragmatically thought out the steps needed to get the businesses to the next level. The climax of the evening was the moment when, divided into teams of 3 participants, we had to coagulate 3 business ideas into one. Totally different business ideas gave birth to a new business model, more seated, stronger and more exciting. This is an exercise that we recommend for group creativity by applying a series of open questions in a pragmatic coaching style.

Check out the video in this article for a closer look at what happened during this month's meeting.

On September 21st , when the next club meeting will take place, we will apply more coaching tools to a life coaching topic, namely "Conflict in Collaborative Relationships."

For enrollments, please fill out this FORM.

Become a member of the Pragmatic Coaching Club and you will find more information about Executive Coaching, Technical Coaching and Life Coaching.

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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There are 2 sides to every story. Same rule applies to motherhood. You do not know the whole truth, until you become a mother.

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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When you become a parent your life changes forever!

From the moment you hold your baby into your arms, you begin a new journey. In this journey, you do not know the itinerary, you do not have a destination and you definitely cannot return the ticket, when things get rough. It is the journey of your life, for life.

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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When you really want something, you find a way. Otherwise, you make an excuse

As it happens to some of us quite often, we lose most of our energy building excuses, trying to justify our current loser position. The excuses take different shapes and meanings and you can find them at any level, in any field. “Seekers of excuses” lose from their sight that this sport has no positive outcomes, many times affecting not only themselves but also the ones to whom they “sale” those excuses. 

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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Hello again! Nice to meet you on our newest testimonial of our monthly meetings at Pragmatic Coaching Club!  

We met for the first time outside the city, in a corner of nature, to apply a new coaching exercise, derived from the TGROW model, to facilitate insights and action plans regarding our travel expectations and ideals. Enjoying a green space and a holiday setting, we talked about the travel locations that best fit our goals, by exploring reality, options and actions (ways forward).  

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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Hello again! Nice to meet you on our newest testimonial of our monthly meetings at Pragmatic Coaching Club

We met again on the lovely premises of Bohemia Tea House, to approach, from a pragmatic coaching mindset, one of the most challenging and beautiful ideals, often a long term coaching objective: balance in our life. It has been a highly interactive meeting, with carefully designed coaching exercises, that we explored both individually and as a group.  

We’ve been particularly happy about the level of engagement of our colleagues, who have shown both openness and willingness to share their concerns, as they assumed client roles in the exercises, as well as insightfulness and availability to learn, as they assumed coaching roles in the exercises.  

The focus of the exercises was the balance in our involvement in supporting the different roles of a company and in the second part of the meeting we explored a similar exercise, to highlight the importance of balance in various areas of personal interest such as family, health, friends, personal and professional development etc. 

On July 15, at a new meeting of the Pragmatic Coaching Club, we will approach a completely new and exciting coaching exercisetravel coaching, as we are on holidays. How you can choose a destination that suits you best by applying coaching, you'll discover the next month. For enrollments, please fill out this FORM

Become today a member of Pragmatic Coaching Club and you’ll discover more information about Executive Coaching, Technical Coaching and Life Coaching

Pragmatic Coaching
Pragmatic Coaching

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The one who dreams, is alive! The one who achieves his dreams, lives!

I will tell you a story, a true story from my life:

When I was 7 years old, I had a wish. I wished to  have a bicycle and I asked my mother to buy me one. I’ve seen other children enjoying their bicycles and all I wanted at that moment was to have one too. My mother promised me that she will buy me a bicycle but only if in my first year of school I get a...