Technical Coaching Bootcamp
The only specialized, intensive, short-term pragmatic technical coaching training program that offers managers and tech leads the unique opportunity to test the efficiency of applying coaching in their daily challenges.
Technical Coaching Bootcamp Suits You if...
Manager profile
Software Engineer Profile
Structure and Duration of the Training Program
3,5 days + individual practice
Training Modules
Benefits of Participating to the Technical Coaching Bootcamp Training Program
Your Participation Guarantees You...
Practical Knowledge of Specialized Coaching
that you can directly apply with anyone in your company or any other coaching client.
Access to a Community of Experienced Coaches (Mentor-Coaches)
Increase of Your Individual Tonus
Coaching Practice
The day-long coaching practice sessions that we’ve included in all our training programs, subsequent to coaching training sessions, are the best way for you to observe, apply and experientially learn coaching skills, attitudes and aptitudes. Everything happens under the observation of our experienced mentor coaches and in the presence of your program fellows.
Your Own Mentored Practice
Professional Community
We Assure You of Our Commitment to the Quality of Our Coaching Services through...
Mentor Coaches' CVs
Our mentor coaches are highly respected professionals, ranging 10+ years of experience in organizations and projects, where they’ve been achieving results by applying coaching principles, tools, techniques & approaches, in a variety of multicultural, business-wide and industry-specific contexts.
Alignment with International Standards
Options for Any Career Level
Technical Coaching Bootcamp Training Program
- 2 days of intensive training with the following modules: Bridging the Communication Gap, Coaching Principles, Building Trust, Towards Co-creation and Synergy
- 1 day of Coaching Practice
- 5 individual coaching sessions to be done by you
- 1/2 day mentor-coaching closing session
Check out the planning of the next Technical Coaching Bootcamp training session of the Pragmatic Coaching School
Technical Coaching Bootcamp - Autumn 2018 training session
Wed-Thu, September 26-27 2018
Training - Bridging the Communication Gap, Coaching Principles, Building Trust, Towards Co-creation and Synergy
You'll spend two days learning how to balance the "Managereze vs Tehnicongoleze" polarity in communication, develop "Engagement", approaching situations "Judicative vs Non-judicative" as a pragmatic coaching principle, building trust in the "Engineer vs Manager" polarity and how to enable co-creation and synergy by balancing the "Telling vs. Asking" polarity.
Wed-Thu, September 26-27 2018
Fri, September 28th 2018
Coaching Practice
You'll spend a day practicing a mix of group and individual coaching activities, facilitated by a mentor-coach.
Thu, November 1st 2018
Closing Session
You'll spend half a day in a mentor-coaching closing session in which you will spend with the group the lessons you have learned during the training program.
Thu, November 1st 2018
Visit Us
Aleea Barajul Lotru nr. 11, bl. M4A1, sc. A, ap 44, sector 3, București, România
Contact us