Pragmatic Coaching Blog
People and Insights
Pragmatic Coaching Club - Who Do You Return from Vacation?
In this article, you can find information about our last Pragmatic Coaching Club Meeting with the...
5 Moduri în care Coachingul Pragmatic te poate ajuta să te Descoperi în Vacanță
Poate ai luat în considerare de mai multe ori să intri în contact cu Coachingul Pragmatic, dar în...
How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?
Last month, at the Pragmatic Coaching Club, Andrei Cristian started the evening with a question...
Pragmatic Coaching Club – How do you approach other perspectives? The 14th of March Meeting Retrospective
It was a beautiful evening of March and we were all together, in a very nice place, ready to...
Pragmatic Coaching Club – February Meeting Retrospective
In February, Pragmatic Coaching Club met again to talk about love. Apparently, this was a very...
Pragmatic Coaching Club – 20th December Meeting Retrospective
Last month, me and my colleagues, Andrei, Iulia and Ciprian, challenged the attendees to think...
Pragmatic Coaching Club – 15th November Meeting Retrospective
Thursday evening we met wonderful people with all kinds of hopes regarding their lives. Many of...
Pragmatic Coaching Club – Retrospectiva întâlnirii din 11 octombrie 2018
Luna octombrie ne-a surprins ancorați în cotidian, astfel încât tema pe care am ales să o dezbatem...