Last month, me and my colleagues, Andrei, Iulia and Ciprian, challenged the attendees to think about their achievements during the year. We chose the theme of the meeting - How do you celebrate your achievements? - because more and more often people are trying to make plans and set objectives for the next year without appreciating themselves for what they have already done successfully. Given the fact that Christmas was near, we also followed our nice ritual - Pragmatic Secret Santa – and we gave each other presents.
Raising awareness about our achievements through pragmatic coaching
During this coaching session, every one of us talked about an achievement important to ourselves that we have accomplished during the year of 2018. With this occasion, we’ve seen that an achievement can be something about professional life, personal stuff or specific goals. For example, some of the participants were remarkably happy about their improving health and others were proud of themselves because they could successfully implement a sport routine program throughout the entire year. It was very interesting to hear the idea that some of the activities that we do frequently can create a safe space for us – a place where we return when we need space, time for ourselves and maybe a feeling of control over our life.
Regarding professional life, I’ve seen a lot of satisfaction and confidence in some people when they were talking about becoming more independent and starting entrepreneurial projects or developing important applications on which they had been working for a long time. In other cases, there was enthusiasm regarding new colleagues and, therefore, building a new team. One person mentioned how coaching helped him to better communicate with his clients even though in the beginning he didn’t believe it would make a difference.
For one participant, believing in himself and not taking into consideration what other people are saying was one of the most difficult objective to achieve because it took a lot of practice and strong motivation. On the other hand, another person revealed great fulfillment regarding his contribution in someone’s development.
As for myself, I realized that I see my professional path as a puzzle and each day, month or year represents a piece of it. The year of 2018 was extremely valuable because I completed my first year of the 4-year psychotherapy journey, I’ve learned a lot about coaching and also I’ve met new inspiring people.
This sharing group experience brought to light satisfaction, happiness and even pride towards our accomplishments and made us aware of our everyday success. It was very nice especially because we could listen to each other and not only share a part of our experiences, but also get inspired by so many perspectives.
One person told us that it’s wonderful how open questions, compared to closed questions, allow people to open up and talk about whatever they want in a free way and, moreover, they permit people, if they are not comfortable from various reasons, to give simple answers as well.
December Club Meeting – the end of a successful year
Since we are talking about achievements and positive emotions attached to them, I would like to look back on previous Club Meetings, which were so full of experiences and life lessons. Thanks to a friendly atmosphere and to a group of inspiring and motivated people, we managed to go through all kinds of subjects like Fast decisions - slow decisions, How do we create healthy long term relationships?, The map of trust, Me, money and happiness – a drama triangle? and so on. One of the most interesting themes was Life through a search engine? – after this Club Meeting, people were more aware of their choices and core values because they had the opportunity to find a concept that could define their lives.
My favorite theme was How do you get out of your comfort zone? - I remember how focused I was during the coaching exercises and how insightful this Club Meeting was for me. It gave me a new perspective about balance and success and made me realize that great goals are achieved by taking small and safe steps.
We want to thank all the participants that have been part of this amazing coaching sessions for their active involvement and we hope we will meet again this year as well. For our loyal attendees, we have some questions that we would like you to answer in order to be aware of the value of these coaching group sessions:
- What is the most powerful question you received during these Club Meetings?
- How did these sessions improve your professional and personal life in the last year?
- What did you learn from the interactions with the participants and with the coaches?
- Which one of the themes was the most appealing to you?
- How did you contribute to the challenges of others during these sessions?
We are eagerly awaiting for you to continue your journey of development!
Should you decide to learn more about pragmatic coaching and to enjoy insightful experiences through coaching, we are eager to meet you soon (you can see more details about our next Club Meeting here). We’ve just created new memberships for our Club Meetings so you can experience more of our services. Also, if you want to be informed about our future scheduled Club Meetings, check out the calendar.
For those of you who want to take coaching to the next level, we invite you to discover our programs at Pragmatic Coaching School, which we’ve designed on three career levels: Bootcamp, Practitioner and Master. Our nearest training for coaches is Life Coaching Practitioner which will begin on March 21. If you are willing to commit to a life-changing experience, sign up for it now!