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Pragmatic Coaching Club – How do you approach other perspectives? The 14th of March Meeting Retrospective

Pragmatic Coaching Club – How do you approach other perspectives? The 14th of March Meeting Retrospective

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It was a beautiful evening of March and we were all together, in a very nice place, ready to approach another interesting topic that Ciprian Dobre-Trifan, Technical Mentor Coach was bringing to our attention. The question of the pragmatic coaching evening – How do you approach other perspectives? – was going to be a flourishing one since every one of us was prepared to carefully listen the ideas that were spreading and, in the same time, to express our uniqueness.

Finding new perspectives through technical coaching

It’s great when you spend a few hours with people and afterwards you feel inspired and motivated! Who would have thought that there could be so many ways of gaining new perspectives about anything? There will always be the oldies but goodies like, for example, reading an interesting book, watching a good movie or an influential TED Talk and having long and deep conversations with resourceful people. However, apart from this, after the coaching exercises, I realize now that you can access so many other sources of inspiration such as:

  • Traveling – this can be an amazing opportunity to start seeing things differently. When you are in the middle of a new amazing place, you can create a metaphor out of your life in order to understand things better. That is, the surroundings can help you make valuable decisions.
  • Sport – another way of get inspired is by following sport competitions. What is so great about it? Well, if you’re passionate about a particular sport you probably also have a favorite player. Did you ever wonder why do you like him/her so much? Maybe the reason is that you would like to have some qualities they have that you really find them valuable. You gain perspective from having a role model and that is such a powerful tool in life!
  • Psychotherapy – a new perspective counts even if it’s still your perspective… but somehow changed! Through psychotherapy, it’s possible that you’ll start to see yourself (your behavior, thoughts, and emotions) from another point of view – a healthier point of view!
  • Pets – from time to time, we can learn from our pets how to relate to others with more empathy, tolerance and kindness. Even more, they often teach us how to act more spontaneous and playfully.
  • Music – listening to music is like reading a book, but it’s more about the sounds than the actual words. Many songs don’t even have lyrics. Discovering the music that deeply moves you can bring you peace, balance and wisdom as you peek at others’ experiences.

From my point of view, I think photos can be sometimes a source of new perspectives. What an image expresses depends on whoever looks at it – people always attach specific meanings to what they see. If you listen to what someone has to say about a photo, you actually listen to their experience -the more abstract the photo the more personal experience it will contain.

All in all, it was a pleasant and fruitful evening. I hope that everyone who participated feels the same way!

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Anniversary Club Meeting – 2 years of Pragmatic Coaching Club & School

On 18th of April we’ll be celebrating 2 years of pragmatic coaching and that’s why the topic of the evening will be a special one! We are looking forward to meeting you at the Club with a catchy question – How do you resist manipulation? – and we hope that, together, we’ll find out many creative ways in which we could overcome manipulative behavior. But first, we’ll become aware of the situations in which we are, in general, susceptible to manipulation.

Have you ever been in this kind of situation? If the answer is yes, you probably know how uncomfortable this can be – whether it is about your personal or professional environment, it is always disturbing to put up with a manipulator.

How did you react in that moment? In the best-case scenario, you were aware of the manipulation and you confronted the abuser, but in other cases, it is possible that you didn’t even realize that you were being manipulated and therefore you acted just like it was requested.

  • How would you like to react in the future in these situations?
  • What do you need in order to react as you wish?

Think about these pragmatic questions and try to answer them – it’s a very important first step!

If you are not yet familiar with our coaching club, here you can find details about our community and memberships! Would you like to join us on April? Then I invite you to fill in our registration form to get in touch with us!

Pragmatic Coaching School – becoming a professional coach

Do you already know what coaching is and would you like to develop a coaching career? We’re also running training programs for coaches on three career levels: Bootcamp, Practitioner and Master.

To find out more about Life Coaching Practitioner, the first (and only) life coaching training program in Romania, accredited by the IAPC&M (International Authority for Professional Coaching & Mentoring), that we are already organising, please visit the dedicated page. If you want to join the current class of future coaches, please contact us directly on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our specializations in coaching are: Life Coaching, Executive Coaching and Technical Coaching. If you’re interested in becoming a professional coach, you can discover more about our training programmes and our coaches here.

Also, at the link above you can visit our testimonial page to see what our clients believe about our coaching projects.