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How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?

How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?

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Last month, at the Pragmatic Coaching Club, Andrei Cristian started the evening with a question that probably not many people thought about before – How to manage immaturity? We’ve approached not only the immaturity of the people in our lives, like friends, parents, colleagues or life partners, but also our immaturity, which can be even harder to become aware of and, therefore, to manage properly.

Learning how to Manage Immaturity – the Power of Group Coaching

But why is immaturity so harmful? Well, thanks to our pragmatic coaching group session, we discovered that being around people who behave in such way can cause you a lot of dissatisfaction. For instance, your partner gets very defensive when you’re trying to bring up some issues about him OR your coworker keeps blaming you for his missed deadlines - Yes, immaturity and lack of responsibility goes hand in hand! However, if you are the one who acts in an immature way, you should ask yourself how many times did you fail to grow, to achieve something you wanted so badly because of your attitude? On our meeting, we used powerful coaching questions in order to explore more of this topic and, happily, those who participated managed to find some answers to their curiosities.

Pragmatic Coaching Club – New Meeting in June


If you want to get a taste of pragmatic group experience, we invite you to our next meeting, which will be held on June 13th, where we will approach the theme – How to survive daily at work – When we are saying ’survive’, we want to know how can you manage to get over the difficulties of your job? They may often seem insignificant, but after a while they can become a real burden if you don’t manage them in a healthy way. We need real strategies in order to overcome the routine of our job, the fatigue and the stress that comes after weeks of intesive work. You can start with answering authentically to a few self-coaching questions we have prepared for you:

  • How is a workday for you?
  • What are your habits during working hours?
  • To what extent do they help you work in a healty way?
  • How can you improve your current work style in order to become more relaxed at your job?

Yes, we are curious about your answers to these questions and also we are eager to explore with you possible solutions for the obstacles we all face during work. Therefore, if you think you would like to share with other people your experience and also you would benefit from new perspectives and insightful questions, please sign up here for our next group session! 

Individual Coaching Sessions – an Opportunity to Work on your Objectives

Additionally to our group coaching options, you may want to experience individual coaching sessions. If so, we have some suggestions for you below, regarding your possible concerns:

Stress in Working with the Clients

If what bothers you is your interaction with difficult clients, we can work together through individual coaching sessions in order to find out how can you become aware of your communication strengths and, therefore, improve your style of relating with the clients. Moreover, you can find out what are the situations in which you become overly stressed and learn what is it that helps you to relax – we can build together powerful strategies so you can better cope with stress!
For achieving these goals, You can choose a 6 + 2 Individual Sessions Package and, during two months, you will benefit from 8 individual coaching sessions, 1 hour each and, as a bonus, you will also get access to 1 group coaching session! Fill out the order form here!

Difficult Relationship with your Colleagues/ Boss

What are your challenges during working hours? Maybe it’s about getting along with your colleagues, working in a new team, on a new project or approaching your boss. Either way, you can work on it! The first step is to identify, with our help, what challenges you the most and, after that, we can start finding ways of achieving the expected results!
You can begin with a pro bono individual coaching session, offered by me (Diana) or Andrei and we suggest to continue with a 3+1 Individual Sessions Package. Fill out the order form here and make your choice!

Meet our Team, Choose your Coach!

We are a young, full of life team and what unites us is a strong motivation towards personal development in which we truly believe. We think every human being has a potential that is yet to be found and we want to challenge as many people as we can to discover it and then use it for their growth. Every member of our team, however, has a personal approach in coaching:
Iulia has great experience both in coaching and management so she can easily approach life coaching topics as well as executive ones. She believes in results and therefore she likes to focus on action.
Andrei believes in continuous learning and, as a result, he is a book enthusiast. He thinks it’s important to keep an open mind and that’s why, in his way of working with people, you will see solution detachment.
Ciprian has a very creative style of approaching problems and finding solutions. He likes non-directivity because he believes it’s a powerful instrument for exploring different topics, even technical ones.
I (Diana) have a humanistic perspective of people, experiences and transformation and, therefore, my approach in working with people is a non-judgemental one. I believe it’s important to give support and to challenge people in order to help them develop.


Choose the best Coaching Services for your Needs & Objectives on your Daily Work Routine!

So, if you feel motivated enough and you want to find solutions to your work related concerns, you can choose between the following options: