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Pragmatic Coaching Club - Who Do You Return from Vacation?

Pragmatic Coaching Club - Who Do You Return from Vacation?

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In this article, you can find information about our last Pragmatic Coaching Club Meeting with the theme “How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?”, our next Pragmatic Coaching Club Meeting with the theme “Who Do You Return from Vacation?” and, last but not least, our Pragmatic Coaching Shop Services regarding the above topics: Pragmatic Coaching Challenge - Learn to Survive Daily at Work! and Pragmatic Coaching Individual Sessions Packages: 3 + 1, 6 + 2, 9 + 3!

And now, let’s talk about group coaching! Last month, at Pragmatic Coaching Club, we approached the theme “How to Survive Daily at Work through Pragmatic Coaching?”. We had an amazing meeting that resulted in different thoughts about how we would like to improve our work environment. We started from identifying sources of stress at work and we found many interesting answers: interruptions during a discussion, monotony during working hours, rudeness of other colleagues or boss, procrastination or lack of involvement and working time schedule.

It was challenging to approach these examples, but in the end, we got to define a part of our expectations about job and we managed to understand how to overcome those holdbacks.

Now, I want to share with you our newest Coaching Challenge Video called ”Learn to Survive Daily at Work!”. In this video, you will see our colleagues, Andrei and Ciprian approaching the topic through an individual coaching session, which is an excellent example for those of you who are interested to know how an individual coaching session works.

If you would like to accept our June challenge from Pragmatic Coaching Shop, fill in our order form (here)!


Pragmatic Coaching Club – New Meeting in July

On July 18th, we meet again for a new pragmatic group coaching session and our new topic to approach with our participants is “Who Do You Return from Vacation?”. Did you ever ask yourself this question? For most of us, a vacation is a great opportunity to relax and become detached from our worries and stress that we have accumulated throughout working months.

But what if it means more than that? Maybe you prefer spending your holidays alone or maybe you like being around loved ones. Maybe you wish to explore as many places as you can or maybe you just want quite and peace in order to recharge your batteries.

The way you choose to spend your vacation and what you value at the end of it can help you understand more about yourself. Think about what your answers to these pragmatic questions would be:

  • What does vacation mean to you?
  • What are your expectations about it?
  • To what extent do you enjoy vacation days?
  • In what way does vacation change you?

If we grabbed your attention and you are willing to approach with us this topic, we invite you to participate to our next group session! Ciprian Dobre-Trifan will help you to discover the potential that a vacation has for your personal and professional development.

To get in touch with us, please complete our registration form (here) and we will provide you all the information you need about Pragmatic Coaching Club.

Individual Coaching Sessions Packages – Work on your Personal Growth!

You can also choose to approach this theme individually through pragmatic individual coaching sessions. Why? Because some issues regarding this topic can bring you better results if approached in one to one coaching sessions.

Below you will find examples of what results you should expect when working with a coach through individual coaching sessions:

Individual coaching will help you define who you are now

When you will start working with a pragmatic coach, you will probably be surprised of the amount of questions you will be facing. Those questions will challenge you to really think about what are the things and actions that define you. When you plan your vacation, how aware of your true personality are you?

Thanks to individual coaching and to your motivation for growth, you will find out what are your core values. It’s possible that a great part of what you thought you knew about yourself will become questionable. As a result, you will discover your core values and, hopefully, you will start to ask yourself to what extent do you respect them.

You can achieve this result with a 3 + 1 Individual Sessions Package!

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Through coaching sessions, you will get to know what is it that you really need

I wonder how often do you feel frustrated or unsatisfied by your vacation. If so, individual coaching can help you. The reason for these unpleasant feelings is simple: you don’t get what you need! But... how well and clear do you know what you need?

In a world full of opportunities, I understand that is easy to become distracted. That’s why it is necessary to work on your self-knowledge. Coaching sessions can bring you many perspectives about you and your needs.

To use a metaphor, it’s not enough to say “I want some water.” – If someone brings you a little glass of hot water, I don’t think you would be satisfied. You must learn how to be more specific about your needs. Say, for example, that you need a bottle of cold water because you’re very thirsty.

You can practice how to better identify your needs by purchasing a 6 + 2 Individual Sessions Package!

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Your coach will guide you until you take action!

This is a great step that you will make if you begin to work intensely with a professional coach! Your next vacation will surely improve, and you will get to enjoy it like never before! After several coaching sessions, you will be more confident about who you are, what you want and, therefore, you will be prepared to organize your holidays by taking into considerations what is important for you.

To be able to make these steps properly, you will explore, through individual coaching sessions, what drives you and what stops you from taking actions in specific situations.

Start a complete development journey through a 9 + 3 Individual Sessions Package!

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Group Coaching vs. Individual Coaching - Make the Best Choice for you!

So, how would you like to approach our July theme – “Who Do You Return from Vacation?”? If what best fits your needs are networking, knowledge transfer and coaching practice, we are eager to meet you on our next group coaching session at Pragmatic Coaching Club (sign up for it here!). If you rather want to start working individually on your personal development, together with a coach from our team, we gladly invite you to choose (here) one of the Individual Sessions Packages from our Pragmatic Coaching Shop. Don’t forget that you can start with a pro bono session with Diana or Andrei!